Alfa Laval ALP three-screw pumps are developed for lowest operating cost and highest reliability with specific focus on the marine industry. ALP is the obvious choise for handling of fuel and lubricating oils.

fluid handling

Compact and reliable design

ALP pumps are characterised by a compact design consisting of few components reducing the complexity of the pump using less spares and easing the handling. Furthermore, screws of hardened material enable tight internal tolerances which will ensure stable pump capacity over time.


Designed for low/lowest cost of ownership

A superior and fully tested shaft seal design optimizes the lubrication of the seal faces and improves air evacuation. The seal chamber is built to efficiently prevent building up of residue. This combined with the use of a high quality ball bearing, positioned outside the product zone reduces the risk of thermal impacts and avoids exposure to the pumped liquid. Maintenance requirements are reduced to a minimum.


User-friendly design

Very simplified disassembly and assembly of the pump enable easy and quick inspection, maintenance and service.


Magnetic drive version

The ALP pump range is also available in a magnetic drive version. The magnetic coupled design eliminates the risk of any leakage and a seal-less design reduces maintenance to a minimum.




La pompe Alfa Laval ALP est conçue pour assurer une performance fiable. Les carters de la pompe sont en fonte EN-GJS-400, et les vis en acier de haute qualité. Le traitement de surface sur les vis permet de limiter l’abrasion lors de la manipulation de carburants chargés en particules comme les catfines.

Avantages de la conception de la pompe à vis ALP :

  • Conception compacte et capacité élevée à un espace limité
  • Efficacité énergétique élevée
  • Faible bruit
  • Faible pulsation et moins d’usures mécaniques sur la ligne combustible
  • Pompage sans turbulence violente