At Alfa Laval, we are continually working to DRIVE PROGRESS. We do our best to anticipate the optimal path forward for our customers, our employees, and the environment. Together, we OPTIMIZE PROCESSES and build seamless solutions that help our customers overcome their toughest challenges. We work tirelessly to MAKE THEIR SUCCESS OUR MISSION. Working together, we can create responsible, sustainable growth that benefits both PEOPLE AND THE PLANET. Making the world better, every day.
Tom Erixon President and CEO Alfa Laval Group
"One thing I’ve learned in my time at Alfa Laval is the vital role our customers play in pushing us to improve. Your curiosity fuels our curiosity; your passion fuels our passion. Working together helps us better serve both you and the climate."
Alfa Laval draagt bij aan de VN Sustainable Development Goals
De Verenigde Naties hebben 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) voor 2030 vastgesteld, de zogenaamde Global Goals, waar wereldleiders afspraken over hebben gemaakt. Nu is het aan bedrijven zoals wij om ons daar te brengen.
Ontdek hoe Alfa Laval's kernactiviteiten bijdragen aan de Global Goals
Food & Water articles
Why wastewater is becoming a valuable resource
How to clean microplastics from the ocean
The delicate process of separating perfume essence
The solution to foot-and-mouth disease
The grape whisperer: How we revolutionized wine production
An Alaskan fishing company’s quest for sustainable seafood
Liquid engineering - how technology can help combat water scarcity
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..brings you the latest insights, analysis and inspiration from the world of Alfa Laval — and beyond. With a focus on how processes can be improved to save energy and protect the environment, Here explores global and local challenges and the innovations and solutions that can address them.