Beer and beverage concentration

Alfa Laval solutions for beer and beverage concentration remove water from beer, wine and cider after fermentation. Using a high-pressure, low-temperature reverse-osmosis process produces a high-quality concentrate. The beverage concentrate once rehydrated for onward sale has the same taste, aroma and alcohol content as the original product. A concentrate-based supply chain cuts packaging and shipping costs. It simplifies delivery logistics and reduces the environmental impact of distribution

Bulk beer can 640x360

Reduce your logistics costs and improve your sustainability profile with high-quality beer and beverage concentrates

  • Reduced transport costs due to reduced shipping volumes with beer and beverage concentrates
  • Lower overall supply chain costs due to reduced volumes of beer and beverage concentrate to package, store and transport
  • Reduced storage requirements at the point of sale, such as bars and restaurants
  • Upon rehydration of the concentrate, beer has the same taste, aroma and alcohol content as the original product

Get end-to-end solutions for your beverage concentration needs from Alfa Laval Beer and beverage concentration systems. These compact, reliable and energy-efficient solutions increase the efficiency of production, transportation, storage and draft dispensing at bulk packaging facilities and at the point of sale. This translates into higher productivity and yield, lower capital costs and more sustainable distribution.

Reduce bulk transportation costs by up to 80% while reducing the carbon footprint of your supply chain with Alfa Laval beer and beverage concentration systems.


Sensory example: freshly reconstituted

Revos Sanitized Client Sensory Data

                 Comparison of fresh beer and reconstituted Revos beer concentrate






  • Fresh reconstituted lager was subjected to detailed descriptive sensory panel testing
  • Scores were averaged over a large group of panellists


Sensory panel tests reveal minimal to no differences between the control (fresh beer) and the trial (reconstituted beer)


Continuous concentration process, hygienic design

The Alfa Laval beer and beverage concentration systems feature proprietary filters with an ultra-tight membrane pore structure that allows water to pass easily through while retaining the alcohol, aromas, proteins and sugars in the concentrate. The membrane filters withstand high pressures – enabling higher concentration factors – and eliminate dead zones during Cleaning-in-Place (CIP). This translates into more uptime and higher standards of hygienic design with full membrane cleanability.


Space-saving, energy-saving systems

Choosing Alfa Laval’s reverse osmosis concentration technology results in a space-saving system with significantly lower capital costs and lower energy requirements than other technologies, such as freeze concentration or forward osmosis technologies. Moreover, Alfa Laval beer and beverage concentration systems do not require feed degassing, thereby preventing flavour loss.


Higher throughput, lower costs

Parameter optimization for each beverage maximizes throughput and significantly reduces product losses while retaining the product’s flavour profile.

Alfa Laval Revos applications 

Revos transport icon


Bulk transport 

Save €5–15 per hl on tanker transport 

Revos beer icon


Re-draft system

Re-draft cellar: Allow bars to serve beer or other beverages from kegs of concentrate

Re-draft mobile: Provide a compact serving solution for seasonal venues

Hoe werkt het

Revos How it works



Alfa Laval beer and beverage concentration systems use a high-pressure, low-temperature reverse osmosis process. Operating at pressures above 120 bar (1,700 psi) achieves a higher concentration factor, thereby reducing shipping volumes and costs.

To achieve a high-quality concentrate, the product flows through a proprietary membrane filter. The membrane allows water to pass through it, due to pore size and polarity, but prevents the passage of proteins, sugars, aromas and alcohol. Water flows through the membrane, while the pressurized beverage becomes more concentrated as it flows along the membrane.

Pilottesten en verhuur van bier- en drankconcentratiesystemen


Stel het Alfa Laval Revos-concentratiesysteem op de proef. Stuur acht fusten van uw bier of drank naar een van de twee testlocaties van Alfa Laval (in de VS of Denemarken) en neem deel aan een test- en prestatiebeoordeling ter plaatse.

U kunt ook een unit op commerciële schaal huren en testen om de concentraatdoorvoer en productkwaliteit op uw locatie te bepalen.


Q&As Revos concentratiesysteem

Vind hier antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen over het Revos bierconcentratiesysteem.

cerveza industria ALfa Laval

Revos concentration system 3D/VR

Take a 360-degree tour of our Revos concentration module in close-up. Explore the 3D model or combine your experience with VR hardware.



De CO2-uitstoot terugdringen - Lees meer in onze whitepaper

Hoe kunnen brouwerijen en drankenproductiefaciliteiten hun CO2-voetafdruk verkleinen en tegelijkertijd hun bedrijfsvoering efficiënter maken? Het verminderen van directe en indirecte emissies speelt een belangrijke rol – van inkoop van grondstoffen, elektriciteit en productie tot verpakking, materialen en distributie. Dit witboek zal zich richten op omgekeerde osmose (RO) membraanfiltratie voor bier- en drankconcentratie als een kosteneffectieve manier voor fabrikanten om de ecologische voetafdruk van hun toeleveringsketens te verkleinen.

Truck on the road


Services voor voedingsmiddelensystemen

Alfa Laval Services voor voedingsmiddelensystemen helpen de prestaties van uw systemen uit te breiden door de prestaties van uw processen te maximaliseren. Zo kunt u:

  • Uw activiteiten voortdurend verbeteren om concurrentievoordeel te behouden
  • Focussen op uptime, optimalisatie en beschikbaarheid
  • Het rendement op uw investering maximaliseren gedurende de hele levenscyclus van uw systemen voor voedingsmiddelen

Meer informatie over ons serviceaanbod

service men with ipad



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