Tank top systems

Approximately 1 out of every 6th beer produced worldwide has been processed in a tank equipped with one of Alfa Laval’s specially designed brewery tank top plate assemblies. A top plate assembly is a machined solid-stainless-steel plate outfitted with practically all the necessary tank safety equipment for mounting on the top of a pressurized beer tank.

啤酒罐罐顶组件-Beer tank top assembly

Cost-effective centralized placing of the tank top plate assembly, designed to fit your needs

  • Better tank insulation at lower costs
  • Easy and straightforward installation at low costs
  • Simple and safe operation
  • Easy access and low maintenance
  • Cleaning-In-Place of all parts

The equipment on the top plate assembly provides the following functions:

  • Compensation with gas for the change in liquid volume during filling and emptying (allowing the change in liquid volume by gas filling or escape)
  • Control of the tank top pressure
  • Protection against uncontrolled overpressure or vacuum
  • Cleaning of the tank and associated equipment

Hoe het werkt

Keer op keer kwaliteit leveren

Deze video illustreert hoe Alfa Laval zijn hoogwaardige tanktopplaten ontwerpt en produceert. Alfa Laval SCANDI BREW Tank Top-systemen worden in brouwerijen gebruikt om fermentatie- en opslagtanks te beschermen tegen vacuüm of overvulling.


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